News & Blogs

21 February 2024

Equipping Tomorrow’s Environmental Leaders: Applications Open for Annual Field Ranger Program

The Angeles National Forest (ANF), National Forest Foundation (NFF), and Hispanic Access Foundation (HISPANIC ACCESS) are seeking diverse Los Angeles County youth ages 18-25 for the 2024 Field Ranger Program. This hands-on education and skills…
16 February 2024

A Whole New World

At the end of January, I had the opportunity to start a detail as a Program Support Specialist with the Budget, Performance, and Workforce Division (BPW) at the Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters in Falls…
16 February 2024

Up Close and Personal With Records

Recently, myself and the other fellows I work with in IMD (Infrastructure Management Division) were given time during the monthly all-hands meeting to present the work we’ve been doing on the division's records management. We’ve…
15 February 2024

Preocupación de los latinos por el agua y las tierras públicas en la 14ª Encuesta Anual de Conservación en el Oeste

La Encuesta de Conservación en el Oeste del State of the Rockies Project (Proyecto del Estado de las Montañas Rocosas) de Colorado College, en su 14ª edición anual y lanzada hoy, reveló que los problemas…
15 February 2024

Latinos Show Concern about Water and Public Lands in the 14th Annual Conservation in the West Poll

Colorado College’s 14th annual State of the Rockies Project Conservation in the West Poll released today revealed that public lands and water issues like habitat loss, access to nature, and water pollution and availability are…
15 February 2024

Behind the Scenes: Exploring Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge

In the second week of January, I had the incredible opportunity to join my region's Facility Management Coordinator in conducting a Comprehensive Condition Assessment at the Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge. This experience was not only…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342