News & Blogs

18 March 2024

Hispanic Access lleva cabo primer charla de ciencia para latinos desatendidos en Connecticut

El domingo 17 de marzo, Hispanic Access Foundation llevó a cabo la primera charla educativa bilingüe de ciencia que es parte de una serie de charlas y proyecto de tutoría "Senderos a la Ciencia", que…
18 March 2024

Hispanic Access Hosts First STEM Talk for Underserved Latinos in Connecticut

On Sunday, March 17, Hispanic Access Foundation hosted the first STEM Spanish bilingual educational talk that is part of the five-year-long “Senderos a la Ciencia” (Pathway to Science) talk series and mentorship project to expose…
18 March 2024

SALT LAKE TRIBUNE: Latino voices are non-negotiable in the fight for environmental preservation

In the vast tapestry of America’s cultural landscape, the voice of Latino communities emerges as a critical one for conservation. The recent findings from the 14th annual Conservation in the West Poll conducted by Colorado…
14 March 2024

EL TIEMPO LATINO: Tres formas en las que el cambio climático afecta a los latinos en EEUU

El cambio climático ya no es una amenaza lejana, sino una realidad que golpea duramente, y las comunidades latinas están en la línea de fuego. Un informe de la Hispanic Access Foundation presentado en enero,…
11 March 2024

NEWSWEEK: Thirst for Change: The Imperative to Preserve the Colorado River

The Colorado River originating high in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and stretching an impressive 1,450 miles, crossing 30 tribal nations and most of the United States, is a lifeline winding through the arid landscapes…
07 March 2024

Goodbye Invasives

As my final month draws to a close, I'm thrilled with the positive impact I've made in the community. So much so that I've requested a six-month extension. Wearing the big blue goose with pride,…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342