News & Blogs

06 May 2022

Using Lidar and Deep Learning to FInd Abandoned Wells

Hello everyone! I’ve been working for the US Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) service for about three months now. I’ve been working more on the technological side of the agency instead of working in the field,…
06 May 2022

A Visit to Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Hi, I’m Annika Benedetti. My first few months in Albuquerque have really flown by. I am pretty much settled into the rhythm of working at the USFWS and my project workload. I have nearly finished…
19 April 2022

Into the Real World

Hello readers! My name is Jaidyn Armijo - Sonnenberg. I grew up in a small town in Los Lunas, New Mexico. I have lived in New Mexico all of my life, but I have been…
18 April 2022

Getting to Grad School

Becoming an art conservator in the United States can take years of preparation, depending on where you’re starting from. Being a multidisciplinary field, coursework in art history, chemistry, and studio art is required to enter…
17 April 2022

It's all about connection

Birds migrating, trees and flowers spreading seeds and pollen everywhere, frogs and fishes diving in the wetlands, coastal dunes being shaped by the wind while mixing with forest, and the water going in and out…
15 April 2022

The First Ten Weeks

I recently started an internship with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) as a Visitor Services Intern. have previously worked in the environmental world through the private sector and studied environmental sciences throughout my…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342