News & Blogs

30 August 2024

KWQC TV: New Survey shows that Latinos near the Mississippi River see its pollution as a top priority

A recent survey showed that Latino voters who live in counties near the Mississippi River consider it part of their daily lives and view its pollution as a top priority. The first Latino Voices of…
30 August 2024

LA OPINIÓN: Contaminación del río Mississippi preocupa a los votantes latinos

Una encuesta realizada por The Hispanic Access Foundation y dada a conocer el jueves mostró que los votantes latinos que viven en condados cercanos al río Mississippi lo consideran parte de su vida diaria y …
30 August 2024

PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: Latino communities advocate for a cleaner environment

A survey of 760 registered Latino voters found 87% of Latinos support projects to produce a cleaner, natural world. The poll, conducted in 10 states, including Illinois, was commissioned by the Hispanic Access Foundation. The…
30 August 2024

Climate Summit and Field Work Opportunities

The past few months of my fellowship with USFWS have been busy with travel and opportunities for growth. In July, I visited the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia for the Department of Defense…
29 August 2024

Field Work at Wallkill River NWR, NJ

I am finishing my 8th month of my Fellowship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), as a Climate Fellow, working on Climate Profiles for military installment INRMPs. As I continue to research and…
29 August 2024

Nueva Encuesta: Latinos extremadamente preocupados por contaminación en Río Misisipi

La primera encuesta de Hispanic Access Foundation, Voces Latinas del Río Misisipi, publicada hoy, revela que los latinos están extremadamente preocupados por la contaminación en el Río Misisipi; consideran la presencia de basura, microplásticos, desechos…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342