News & Blogs

03 May 2024

Thawing Out Spring Programming

Spring has truly sprung (or has it?) in the St. Louis area! March started with a trip up to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge for the Region 3 Visitor Services workshop. I was able…
03 May 2024

PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: Public lands groups cheer expansion of two CA national monuments

Conservation groups, tribes and community organizers are praising President Joe Biden's decision Thursday to expand two national monuments in California. Together, the monuments will gain about 120,000 acres. The Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument is…
02 May 2024

Hispanic Access Celebrates Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion

On May 2, President Biden answered the call of Senator Alex Padilla and Representatives John Garamendi and Mike Thompson, Northern California Tribes, over 300 scientists, local elected officials, and community leaders and expanded the Berryessa…
02 May 2024

Hispanic Access Celebrates San Gabriel Mountains National Monument Expansion

On May 2, President Biden answered the call of Senators Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler, and Representative Judy Chu, elected officials, community and tribal leaders, and local residents in the Los Angeles region, and expanded…
02 May 2024

IMPULSO NEWSPAPER: Líderes de California Celebran Anuncio del Presidente Biden para Ampliar Dos Monumentos Nacionales y Piden Más Designaciones en el Estado

La administración Biden anunció que el Presidente Biden ejercerá su autoridad bajo la Ley de Antigüedades para ampliar el Monumento Nacional de las Montañas de San Gabriel en el sur de California y el Monumento…
01 May 2024

Gearing up for Spring! / ¡Preparándonos para la primavera!

Spring has arrived! For some, it brings the dread of sneezing and coughing from heightened pollen, while for others, the warmer weather and later sunsets bring joy. Yet, many experience a blend of both during…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342