News Coverage

19 January 2024

HISPANOS UNIDOS: Voces en Resiliencia: Perspectivas Latinos Sobre los Desafíos de las Inundaciones en Estados Unidos

Un informe reciente de Headwaters Economics y la Fundación Acceso Hispano ha revelado estadísticas alarmantes sobre los riesgos de inundaciones que enfrentan las comunidades latinas en los Estados Unidos. Analizando datos de la Agencia Federal…
05 January 2024

PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: Report Brings to Light Climate-Change Impact on Latinos’ Health, Heritage

As climate change makes extreme weather events more common globally, new findings show Latinos often face the most significant effects on their health, safety and livelihoods.The report from the Hispanic Access Foundation details those impacts…
05 January 2024

LATIN TIMES: Exclusive: How Hispanic Access Foundation Seeks to Develop Next Generation of Latino Leaders

The Latin Times spoke with Maite Arce, President and CEO of Hispanic Access Foundation, about the organization's work, goals and challenges. Latino representation in leadership positions currently varies depending on the area of society, but…
12 January 2024

LATIN TIMES: Latinos Face a Disproportionately Higher Risk of Flooding in the U.S.; Here's Why

Latinos in the U.S. face a disproportionately higher risk of flood compared to other demographics, its impact widening existing inequities. This conclusion was reached by the Hispanic Access Foundation and Headwaters Economics in a new…
05 January 2024

PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: Report: How Climate Change Threatens Latinos’ Health and Heritage

As climate change makes extreme weather events more common globally, Latinos often face the most significant effects to their health, safety, food security and livelihoods. A new report from the Hispanic Access Foundation details the…
02 January 2024

HISPANOS UNIDOS: La Gente: Pastor Moses Borjas

In a candid conversation, we caught up with Pastor Moses Borjas to explore the fusion of faith, environmental advocacy, and the small yet impactful steps we can take every day. His firsthand experiences and commitment…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342