
07 August 2020

Final Wrap Up

On the close of my internship, I am able to look back over the past 11 weeks and see the progress of my project. My fellow intern, Claire Yager and I were able to complete…
01 August 2020

Creating New Orchids

So I am at the halfway point of my fellowship and I am definitely feeling the pressure. It may suck a bit to feel this way, but I enjoy telling myself, “embrace the suck!”, because…
31 July 2020

This American History

I can't recall having ever visited a national park site. Not as a young buck in Texas, not as a college degree-getter around Boston. For the first time, some weeks ago, I walked the Black…
30 July 2020

LCW and Citizen Science Project Progress

Hello Everybody! Hola a todos! I have lots to update on because it has been a busy few weeks. My Latino Conservation Week event went great. I had lots of family and friends who participated…
28 July 2020

A Day in the Virtual Office: Professional Development from Home

Through my HAF fellowship at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service headquarters, I have been able to see a side of the Service most early professionals don’t see. It has been fascinating to observe inner…
20 July 2020

Poetry That Inspired People Around the World

The past two weeks I’ve been working on my second StoryMap project showcasing items collected by the Longfellow family’s during their international travels. I searched a catalog of over 50 items that came from countries…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342